This installment actually includes a few plane and car rides as well. From Santiago, I headed North to Iquique, where I spent the night, and from there to Arica, Chile, where I finally crossed the border into Peru.
Dunkin Donuts at the airport in Santiago: nothing could make me feel more at home.
Sea urchins are a delicacy in Chile.
On the border between Chile and Peru. The "Campo Minado" sign is testament to the strained relationship between these two countries.
Special taxis take you across the border from Arica. I traveled with a family from Iquique who was spending a long weekend in Peru. We listened to Milli Vanilli and Celin Deon on the way.
This monument, located in Tacna, Peru, is a memorial to the Peruvian and Bolivian soldiers who died in the War of the Pacific against Chile.
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